have u read any of palahniuk's writing? and haruki murakami's? and do you like them both? if you do, this book will suit your palate through and through. and if u have a thing for scottish accent or any new/foreign accent for that matter, this is definitely the book to read.
frankly the title isn't a reflection of the content. it has no bedroom secrets at all to share with the readers. but the title has something to be shared with its main character, Danny Skinner. Skinner, a guy that does and has it all, drinking, womanising, flirting, ace-ing meetings, is a total opposite of Brian Kibby, whom he hates for just being his direct opposite.
why did i say its a combination of palahniuk and murakami? coz Skinner's character was really bad-assed, and so rotten, u almost find it inhuman to have such hatred or disgust in his heart. funnilythough, it was human enough to have humanly thoughts when he was sober. But frankly, who amongst us never had such rotten thoughts in our minds? i must say i do. so perhaps it is a real reflection of impure thoughts that a person could have, and sometimes people dont need reasons for these kind of thoughts.
Anyway, along the way, there was some kind of curse happened between them and there it was, sounded as mysterious as any murakami's novel, and its adoration of Skinner's youth and its bad reflection only on Kibby, reminds me so much of Dorian Gray by oscar wilde. the book is a blend of all these.
the book is really a twisted journey of Danny Skinner and Brian Kibby's life, and finding the real truth of themselves in each other. One could only guess what was happening between the two of them when Skinner fell in love with Caroline Kibby (Brian's sister) and was unable to have sex with her.
p/s: why are all my posts have no spacing between the paragraphs eh? weird.
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